Java monolith to microservice refactoring with Eclipse tooling

As a developer working heavily with OSGi and Eclipse RCP, I’ve spent a lot of time breaking monolithic applications into modules. What I’ve found is that OSGi and it’s associated Eclipse tooling (primarily the Plug-in Development Environment or PDE) are very good at enabling the kind of fine-grained refactoring moves that allows such projects to succeed.

This got me thinking that these technologies and tooling might be useful to anyone trying to refactor a Java monolith into microservices. And it turns out you can do this even if you don’t want to build or deploy OSGi bundles. The tooling can stand on its own and enable a much more powerful and intuitive refactoring workflow.

If you’re interested in learning more about this, I’ve written an article that describes both why refactoring is a good approach to microservice extraction and how Eclipse tooling can help.

Or if you’re interested in meeting with me to find out how this approach could be applied in your projects, why not schedule a free remote consultation and demo?