Eclipse RCP and REST – Updated start levels for newest Jersey Client release

For those of you who have been working with the ECF Remote Services JAX-RS Jersey Client, I hope you’ve been finding it useful. Of course, feedback is always appreciated!

If you’re wondering what this client is all about, here are some links to my previous posts:

Updating the start levels

This post concerns a minor detail (well, minor until you spend a few hours debugging it…) that you’ll run into in the latest version of the Jersey client (1.14.4).

In the past, only two plug-ins needed to be auto-started:

Because of a change made in the most recent release of the client (1.14.4) you’ll need to auto-start an addition plug-in:


So your product configuration Start Levels section should look something like this:

The SpaceX client code has been updated to include the new configuration and can be found here:

And as always, if you need any helping working with the Jersey Client just let me know 🙂