What I’ll be attending at Eclipse World

Tomorrow I head to Eclipse World and after doing so much training I’m really looking forward to sitting and listening to others for a change! I am going to be doing a few presentations at the conference, but in this post I wanted to focus on what I’ll be attending next week.

Converting Your Applications From Swing to SWT and the RCP

This topic is becoming increasingly important to my clients. I’ve seen more than a few projects that are trying to leverage existing AWT/Swing resources as they migrate to RCP and are struggling with how to do this properly.

Creating Graphical Editors and Views Using Eclipse GEF

I’ve used GEF occasionally over the past few years, but I’ve never had the opportunity to hear it described in a systematic way. I’m also excited to hear some more about Zest, which I’d love to start using in upcoming projects.

RAP or GWT: Which Java-Based AJAX Technology Is for You?

RIA technologies look to become central to future Eclipse architectures (see the e4 project for the details). I have to admit I’m still somewhat ambivalent about thin-clients and would rather see rich clients with awesome provisioning support instead.

Java UI Testing Patterns and Best Practices

UI testing is always problematic and I think approaching this topic from a patterns and best-practices angle makes a lot of sense. I’m particularly interested in ways to create UIs that are designed to be testable.

So that’s what I’ll be attending this year, and if you see me at the conference be sure to stop me and say hi. And if anyone is interested in having a beer or something, just let me know!